Safe Sport


Safe Sport

At Low Country Aquatic Club, your swimmer's protection and safety is our principal duty. Collaborating together as swimmers, parents, volunteers, and coaches we can assure ALL USA Swimming members are supported in a safe environment in and out of the pool.

Questions about Safe Sport for LCAC should be directed to the Low Country Aquatic Club’s Safe Sport Coordinator, Carrie Zimmerman,

LCAC Safe Sport Policies:

LCAC MAAPP (Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy)

LCAC Bullying Policy

Safety Requirements for LCAC Staff:

Background Check

Pre-Employment Screening

How to Deal with a Safe Sport Concern:

Call USA Swimming at (719) 866-4578, or Report a Safe Sport Concern.

Contact the U.S. Center for Safe Sport to make a report by calling (833) 5US-SAFE (587-7233) or use the online reporting form or find more information at US Center for Safe Sport.

To report anonymously, text anonymous tips to (888) 270-SWIM (7946).


 "Pursuant to federal law, all adults authorized to interact with minor or amateur athletes who learn of facts that give reason to suspect that a child has suffered an incident of child abuse, including sexual abuse, shall make a report of the suspected abuse to law enforcement and/or your state's designated agency within 24 hours."

Protecting our young athletes is ALL of our responsibility as coaches, volunteers, and parents. Policies are enforceable by the National Board of Review process. Consequences for breaking a policy include, but are not limited to, revocation of membership.